Diversity Infrastructure Survey - September 2, 2021

President Iuliano informs the campus community about the upcoming diversity infrastructure survey and encourages participation in the survey.

September 2, 2021

Dear Members of the Gettysburg College Community,

Tomorrow, you will receive an important survey from the College. The survey is designed to collect feedback from our students, faculty, and staff on the institution’s current diversity infrastructure.

As I have stressed previously, a key priority of our diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work this year is to ensure the College’s diversity infrastructure is integrated, contemporary, and effective. The survey represents an essential step in what we expect will be a thorough examination of how Gettysburg College presently supports DEIB at the systematic level and the personal level.

Please know that the identity behind every survey submission will be kept confidential. Survey feedback will be reviewed and assessed by Anne Ehrlich, Vice President for College Life and Dean of Students; Jennifer Collins Bloomquist, Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Dean of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Programs; and Carlos Tasso Aquino, Interim Chief Diversity Officer. They will also be scheduling opportunities for various campus constituents to share their feedback in person.

Following their survey review and infrastructure evaluation, Drs. Ehrlich, Bloomquist, and Aquino—who bring with them decades of experience in DEIB work at a number of institutions of higher education—will deliver to me in October a report of recommendations on how the College can best enhance its diversity infrastructure into the future, in alignment with the aspirations of our new strategic plan.

We pursue diversity because it is the truth of the world. As such, the strength of this College—and the education we provide—resides in our collective willingness to listen to one another, to learn from one another, to have compassion for one another, and ultimately to grow together. I strongly encourage every member of our campus community lend their voice and perspective to this critical work through participation in this survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Bob Iuliano